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Francesco ChiaramonteFrancesco Chiaramonte
Home   >   MosaicML

MosaicML is an infrastructure made to facilitate the development and distribution of LLMs and other generative AI models. With a single command, users can train these complex AI models at scale. In addition, it simplifies deployment inside of a user’s personal cloud. MosaicML shines in that it gives users complete control over their models, including the model weights. This means users can take advantage of AI’s power without giving up any of the privacy or security guarantees provided by having full control over their data and models.

User objects:

  • AI researchers
  • Machine learning engineers
  • Data scientists
  • IT administrators
  • Cloud solution architects
  • Tech entrepreneurs
  • Enterprise IT teams.

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Francesco Chiaramonte

Francesco Chiaramonte is renowned for over 10 years of experience, from machine learning to AI entrepreneurship. He shares knowledge and is committed to advancing artificial intelligence, hoping that AI will drive societal progress.